I found keeping my head on the floor quite a difficult task as I struggle to release my head and always have tension in my neck and shoulders. When expanding on this to join heads with my partner I also struggled, but this time I struggled as I didn’t feel as though I could explore many movements whilst keeping my head attached to my partners head.
We then did an exercise holding the head of our partner, I found that my partner didn’t give me the full weight of her head and that she didn’t trust me as much as she could have done. She also said this about me when feeding back to each other after the exercise. She also said that as the exercise went on that I became more trusting in her and I also closed my eyes after a while and I think that this definitely helping me in giving my weight to my partner.
This needed to be developed slowly, because when something happens “which is too fast for thought” (Turner, 2010, pages 123-135)
Although this quote is referencing spinning or rolling specifically, I found this to be useful during the heavy head exercise as there was no way that you would be able to support your partner with them moving quickly.
After this we did the ‘pebble’ exercise which is where you would roll over our partners back but making sure to release the head and neck and to activate the eyes, so whilst rolling I would think about seeing the entire of the room before reaching the floor.
Turner, Robert. Contact improvisation and political power (2010) Vol. 54, Issue 3, pages 123-135
I am wondering what you think it is that held you back from fulfilling your full potential & excersizing your true movement during this class? Have you begun to overcome that fear & push forward?
I definitely think that exploring this movement further during the jam session has helped me to unlock this movement more. Exploring the movement further has made me feel more confidant but I still feel as though I restrict my movement unintentionally! I am fearful of hurting my head and giving somebody the full weight of my head as it is something I have never done before up until this class!